the horrible rantings of a mean old lady

day off

coming at ya on ;; comment

I mean, sort of? Lol. I'm not working at the restaurant today but I'm fully still working on things. At least I got to sleep in, which is better than Christmas and I think any server will tell you the same.

I'm still messing around in my code, fixing things and stuff and trying to remember what I used to have on my old blogs. Adoptions, I think? Cliques? What are some good cliques to join? If you run or know of a clique you think I'd like, poke around down there in the shout box ---- oh yeah, I added an old-timey shout box.

That's actually the one thing I don't like about not using Wordpress (aka, the lack of scripting possible on neocities) -- no comments! Still, I do have the shout box and guestbook so we shall see how that goes.

xoxo, fb

I'm just plain old mean and grouchy. Lover of one spoiled kitty cat. Adventurous eater. Gen X. Workaholic. I will happily disappoint you.
