the horrible rantings of a mean old lady

And the rose goes to...

coming at ya on ;; comment

Thanks to this amazing tutorial, I have made the switch to Publii. I'm still kinda messing with theming but so far, so good! If what you want to do is blog, and you don't want the uber-bloat of Wordpress (not that I don't love Wordpress), Publii is definitely worth looking into.

The only issues I've had are that, even as a paying supporter, I couldn't make the webdav thing work for me. I really wish they had ftp or a similar alternative, because I've set up a couple of other test blogs on paid hosting, elsewhere, with smashing results!

The other issue is that, for some reason, Neocities is breaking my archive pages -- it doesn't matter what theme I use, either, or I'd just opt for a pre-made. Let's hope I can figure that out, I honestly do not want to remote-host this blog!

xoxo, fb

I'm just plain old mean and grouchy. Lover of one spoiled kitty cat. Adventurous eater. Gen X. Workaholic. I will happily disappoint you.
