the horrible rantings of a mean old lady

The Ballad of Blogging Platforms

coming at ya on ;; comment

As I've rawred about in past posts, the thing I don't like about Neocities is it's insistence on being hard to use, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I miss the old web more than makes any kind of sense, but there's a few things the old web did better than Neocities.

I love the concept of Neocities, I'm on board with static websites but I'd like to blog, also, so the inability to run scripts makes blogging a bit difficult. Especially for someone working over eighty hours a week. To add insult to injury, there's no real editor (even Geoshitties had an editor), it's all code which would be fine if there were a way to use ftp or the webdav promised for supporters.

So I tried both Wordpress and Cutenews, but there was no way to integrate them without iframes and at that point I might as well just have a separate blog, don't you think? I tried Zone-something-or-other, and that didn't work. I'm actually writing this on Publii, which is a nifty little blog client with the most Addams Family name I think I've ever seen. The only problem is that I can't automate it's upload via FTP, so I have to use Neocities native file upload feature which is clunky and ick when you want to blog and go. I tried to connect to it's webdav, and *that* didn't work.

I'm awfully exhausted by this, lol.

xoxo, fb

I'm just plain old mean and grouchy. Lover of one spoiled kitty cat. Adventurous eater. Gen X. Workaholic. I will happily disappoint you.
